1789 after the bastille

  • Created by: Scanli12
  • Created on: 01-01-19 15:01
When was the Great Fear?
summer of 1789
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Louis had sent caviers so they thought something was going on, bad harvest, high taxes
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Why not before?
Too far away to care
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When were the August Decrees on Feudalism
you're kidding me right now
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Why were they put into place?
Assembly couldnt ignore what was going on
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Why no troops?
Easy to believe they'd turn on them
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When did they officially abolish and reject the feudal system?
4th August
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What did this remove?
Special privileges.
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What was established?
Principle of fair taxation
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How was this significant?
All frenchmen were equal, bye bye ancien regime
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When was the declaration for the rights of man?
26th August
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Largely created by...
laffayETTE imtakingthishorsebythereighnsmakingredcoatsredderwithbloodstains
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Showed influence of:
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What type of assembly deemed important?
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What did Louis try to do?
sanction august degrees (failed)
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What was decided as a result?
King would now only have a suspense veto (could suspend legislation for up to 4 years)
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What lay with the assmebly?
legislative power
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what lay with the king?
executive power.
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When were the october days?
imma slap u
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what was the trigger?
kings guards returned to versailles, had a meal where they mocked and trampled the cockade. Also peeps were starving
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how many marched to versailles?
7000 women and 20 000 national guard
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King was forced to...
agree to august and rights of man, and move back to paris
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Card 2




Louis had sent caviers so they thought something was going on, bad harvest, high taxes

Card 3


Why not before?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When were the August Decrees on Feudalism


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why were they put into place?


Preview of the front of card 5
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