1.2 Memory


1. Explain why an embedded computer must store its program in ROM

  • Because the contents need to be able to be altered
  • So the contents are not lost when the power is turned off and so the program cannot be altered
  • Because it is a dedicated computer system so it has a specific task
  • So the contents are not lost when they are being altered
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2. Describe how data is actually stored in ROM and RAM

  • Stored as binary numbers with a pattern of switches in memory representing the binary numbers
  • Stored as binary numbers with a pattern of switches representing the binary
  • Stored as a pattern of switches representing the binary numbers
  • Stored as binary numbers with a pattern of switches in memory

3. How could increasing RAM increase what the OS can store?

  • It can store more programs, bigger programs, more data and bigger data
  • It can store more programs, bigger programs, more files and bigger files
  • It can store more data, bigger data, more files and bigger files

4. What does volatile mean?

  • Contents will be lost when the power turns off
  • Contents will not be lost when the power turns off

5. What is stored in RAM when a computer system is in use?

  • The OS (and any files it is using), any programs that are loaded by the user and any data loaded by the user
  • The BIOS and any other permanent programs or data
  • Documents, files, webpages or any other data that are loaded by the user
  • Any software the computer is using


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