10. The reformation and changes to the

Although the Church was very powerful and wealthy in the 1530s, name 4 issues they faced
Increasingly seen as corrupt eg. fake relics, issues with pluralism and nonresidence, criticisms from even devout Catholics, the decline in monasticism
1 of 80
provide an example of pluralism and nonresidence
2 of 80
Provide 2 examples of devout Catholics who criticized the church
John Colnot, More
3 of 80
When did Martin Luther nail his 'Nighty-five theses' to the Church in Wittenburg criticizing the church such as it selling indulgences?
4 of 80
Why did the Protest movement of reform (protestant reformation) spread across Europe?
Growth of the printing press
5 of 80
Who and when was the first English Bible published?
1526, William Tyndale
6 of 80
What gave reformers relief from persecution and gave them a chance to debate the church?
Henry from 1529 henry encouraged criticism of the pope and Cleary to pressurize them for a divorce
7 of 80
As a result, what did this enable reformers to do?
develop ideas, increase support and gain influence in government
8 of 80
What 2 things did Anne Boylen influence in terms of religion?
Drew henry's attention to Tyndale's work, Encoruafed Henry to appoint reformers into powerful church positions like Cramner
9 of 80
What was the position of reformers in 1536?
Established in government, a debate began in Court although Henry wasn't interested, In London and the southeast preachers of protestant ideas were more open
10 of 80
What was Jane Seymour's family's religious stance?
11 of 80
Closure of the monasteries
12 of 80
How many monasteries did Wolsey close in the 1520s?
13 of 80
Why were these 29 monasteries bale to be dissolution?
The papal commission, decayed(few monks and nuns)
14 of 80
When was Cromwell appointed Vicar general and what does the role entail?
1535, Henry's deputy in running the church
15 of 80
What report gave evidence of the corruption of the monasteries, the wealth of the church, and how much money Henry would make from monasteries dissolution?
Valor Ecclesiasticus
16 of 80
Where was the 2nd report recorded that gave Cromwell all the evidence he needed to shut down the monasteries?
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When was the Act of the Dissolution of the smaller monasteries?
18 of 80
What was the definition of a smaller monastery?
worthless then £200
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What did Act mean that virtually all the monasteries were gone?
Act of the Dissolution of the Larger monasteries 1539
20 of 80
What and when was set up the property and income from the monasteries?
1540 Court of Augentations
21 of 80
Impact of the dissolution of the monasteries
22 of 80
Impact on the crown
23 of 80
How wealth much did the dissolution of the monasteries make of the entire Kingdom?
24 of 80
What was the money from the monasteries be primarily used for?
Aggressive foreign policy
25 of 80
Why were monasteries not sold off at full value?
They were sold off quickly to court favorites
26 of 80
What did the land accelerating in the latter part of Henry's reign result in?
losing control and future income
27 of 80
Impact on the nobles and gentry
28 of 80
What did buying monasteries increase control and influence over?
Local communities
29 of 80
What class gained huge wealth and status from the dissolution?
Gentry (JPS, Merchants)
30 of 80
By the end of Henry's reign how much monastic land was sold?
31 of 80
Impact on protestants
32 of 80
What did the dissolution not change?
33 of 80
However, what communities did it destroy?
Monks and nuns (most opposed to luterism and most loyal to the pope)
34 of 80
As a result, what did it destroy in terms of ideas?
The stronghold of traditional beliefs potentially destroyed the return of a roman catholic England
35 of 80
Impact on monks and Nuns
36 of 80
What 2 reasons why monks and nuns were the main losers of the dissolution?
Noe unemployed and homeless
37 of 80
However, what did most receive?
pensions or one-off compensation payments
38 of 80
How many ex-monks secured other paid positions in the Church?
39 of 80
What amount of monks and nuns fell into poverty according to historians?
a small amount
40 of 80
Impact on ordinary people
41 of 80
What was not replaced that seriously impacted the sick, travelers, employees of .....?
Religious houses - services weren't replaced
42 of 80
Why might people of experienced a sense of loss because of the dissolution?
Can't pay money to monks to pray for loved ones and reduce time in purgatory
43 of 80
However, what did others think about monastic life showing that each attitude varied?
Medevil and corrupt
44 of 80
Impact on education
45 of 80
What happened to many great libraries?
Broken up and books burnt
46 of 80
What groups education did the dissolution impact?
Children of the Gentry
47 of 80
provide an example of Cathedrals that came out of old monasteries
48 of 80
What did some of these cathedrals provide?
education such as from Bishops or priests
49 of 80
many new schools came from monasteries new sites, give examples of their names
Many 'new' King Henry and Edward schools
50 of 80
Causes of the Reformation
Political, religious, and financial motivations
51 of 80
Political motivations
52 of 80
Who did Henry not trust, that did have an oath of King's supremacy but, did give the most opposition from the break of Rome?
Monastic houses
53 of 80
Why did the reformation secure nobilities support when succession was still uncertain?
Nobels began to see the value of change of religious events due to wealth distribution
54 of 80
Why did the dissolution establish an independent nation-state?
It confirms the break from Rome
55 of 80
Religious motivations
56 of 80
Along with the criticisms of monastic life, what proved the dissolution was possible?
Religious houses being dissolved in Germany
57 of 80
Financial gain
58 of 80
What did money from the church made Cromwell be able to avoid?
imposing taxation
59 of 80
What was Henry scared off?
A catholic crusade
60 of 80
Thus, what helped his threat through the money from the dissolution?
Fortifications built across the coast
61 of 80
The reformations
62 of 80
The reformation
63 of 80
When were the 1st Royal injunctions?
64 of 80
What did the 1536 Royal injunctions place were their restrictions on?
the number of holy days
65 of 80
What did the 1536 Royal injunctions discourage?
66 of 80
What happened to the Veneration (worship) of relics and images?
It was condemned
67 of 80
What else did Cromwell issue that lists rules of English faith inc. beliefs, practices but kept some catholic elements?
10 articles of faith
68 of 80
When was the Bishops book?
69 of 80
What was the Bishops Book?
issued statements on correct beliefs and practices of English church
70 of 80
When was the 2nd Royal injuntions?
71 of 80
What did the Royal injections do?
to have an English bible, ordinary people are encoruaged to read it
72 of 80
In 1538, what 2 main things made him question that religious changes had gone too far?
Cromwell influenced warning and Howards family gained influence, wanted to forge an allaience with the catholic church
73 of 80
What restored key things of Catholic doctine like transubstation?
Act of 6 articles 1539
74 of 80
When did Henry restrict the bible to upper-class males and why?
1543, scared they were reading the wrong parts of the bible
75 of 80
When was the King's book?
76 of 80
What was the King's book?
revised Bishops book issuing more traditionally catholic ideas/beliefs
77 of 80
Why was 1543-1547 known as catholicism without the pope?
doctrine and practice unchanged from the Catholic Church . Henry had financial and political power but the rest was virtually unchanged
78 of 80
What did the use of parliament make the doctrine ?
Gave it political creditability and legitimacy and the consenus it was the 'will of the people'
79 of 80
What did the English believe in 1547?
no record at this time, no 2 distinct groups
80 of 80

Other cards in this set

Card 2


provide an example of pluralism and nonresidence



Card 3


Provide 2 examples of devout Catholics who criticized the church


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did Martin Luther nail his 'Nighty-five theses' to the Church in Wittenburg criticizing the church such as it selling indulgences?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did the Protest movement of reform (protestant reformation) spread across Europe?


Preview of the front of card 5
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