Why did Stalin want to Modernise Soviet Agriculture?


Why did Stalin want to Modernise Soviet Agriculture?

1. Ending the NEP

  • Stalin had originally allied with Bukharin behind the NEP, gaining support of prospering peasants and kulaks and NEPmen.
  • Kulaks - rich farmers who had grown their land and accumulated wealth by selling produce for profit.
  • NEPmen: men who took part of the produce and began private trading in towns / men who owned small private businesses in town which traded in small goods and profitted from NEP
  • Then, to defeat Bukharin, AND build upon Socialism in 1 country,  Stalin changed his stance to supporting big state-led communist products of shared wealth + benefit like dam building
  • Stalin decided it was unacceptable to have NEP operating in countryside
  • Wanted liquidation of the peasant class, villianised them.
  • He replaced kulaks with peasants who would gain…


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