Russia - Stalin and Khrushchev



  • After WWII a political vacuum (new countries coming in, conquering the land, and getting rid of the leaders) happened in many countries.

  • Most Eastern European countries had begun the war with dictators.

  • Stalin helped the communist parties win power and they had USSR policies (Comintern)

    • One party states

    • Communist party became the only legal party in each state

    • Secret police arrest opponents

  • Economies destroyed, follow Soviet economic policies :

    • Government takes over industry

    • Workers and farmers told what to produce

    • Trade controlled through the Comecon, only trade with the USSR and each other.

    • Stalin promises to aid countries that cooperate with the Soviet Union.

  • When the policies and the Soviet Union were threatened, Stalin, was ready to use force to stop opposition.



  • Communist Information Bureau

  • Set up to control the governments in Eastern Europe.

  • Originally based in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

  • Later to Bucharest because Yugoslavia was expelled because Tito would not follow the rules.

  • Ran meetings.

  • Sent out information to Communist Governments about what the USSR wanted them to do.


  • Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

  • Set up in 1949

  • Coordinated industries and trade of Eastern European countries

  • Members traded with one another, not the West

  • Favored the USSR more than other members

    • A market in which the USSR could sell its goods

    • Cheap supply of raw materials for the USSR

  • Creates a bank for socialist countries in 1964

Eastern European opinions about Soviet control

  • Some were hopeful :

    • Believed they could achieve industrial growth

    • Communism also offered a


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