Who was to Blame?

  • Created by: zoeshai
  • Created on: 14-01-17 13:48

The USA and Britain were to blame;


Truman delayed Potsdam until he had the Atomic Bomb, 1945: Truman attepted to control the whole meeting with this weapon and Stalin refused to be pushed around. He pretended to take no notice of its significance, but later instructed Soviets to create their own, leading to competition.

Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech, 1946: suggested that Stalin was trying to control Europe and hinted that he didnt want a commuist Europe as this would destroy old culture.

The Novikov Telegram, 1946: (telegram sent to Stalin) it reported that America desired to dominate the world, the USA no longer wanted to co-operate with the USSR and that the American public was being prepared for war.

The USSR was to blame;


Stalin's Buffer Zone,


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