The Ontological Argument

  • Created by: Nicole
  • Created on: 10-05-16 19:37

All arguments fo the existence of God claim to be logical attempts to prove the existence of God 

COSMO-logical= causes

TELEO- logical= design/ purpose

ONTO-logical = ideas/ reality

The COSMO+ TELEO are inductive arguments- persuasion, uncertain, conclusion

ONTO is a deductive argument- if the premises are true, it is valid proof

TELEO + COSMO= a posteriori (after experience)

ONTO= a priori (before experience) 

TELEO + COSMO= synthetic (based on evidence)

ONTO= analytic (based on definitions)  


Anselm--> wrote as someone with faith seeking understanding

he used proof by contradiction to support his theory

Argument premises (version 1) 

P1- God is something that nothing greater can be conceived 

P2- Things exist either in the mind only or in the mind and reality

P3- It is greater to exist in the mind and reality than in the mind only 

Assumption- A1- God exists in the mind only 

A1+P3= it is possible to think of a being greater than God ... therefore, God is NOT something that nothing greater can be conceived

BUT P1 says God IS something that nothing greater can be conceived 

So this is a logical contradiction

So our assumption of A1 is FALSE by P2 the alternative is God exists in mind and reality

Argument premises (version 2)

P1- God is something that nothing greater can be conceived


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