What was Britain's Contribution to the Winning of WWII?


What was Britain’s contribution to the winning of WWII?

Towards the start of the war, Britain did very little to help with the winning of the war. However, several major defeats helped considerably with the overall attack. Major defeats of Germany by Britain included the Battle of Britain, the Battle of El Alamein, the D Day landings, the bombing of Germany and the Artic convoys supplying Russian troops in Norway.


The Battle of Britain

The Battle of Britain was possibly Britain’s most significant triumph. Hitler had been planning to invade Britain under the codename, Operation Sealion. Winston Churchill said in the House of Commons, “The Battle of France is over.  The Battle of Britain is about to begin.  Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization… the whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us.  Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war…  Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour'.

As Britain still had a supreme navy, Hitler knew that attacking by sea would not be possible, so knew the best chance would be to attack by air. The German High Command launched a campaign to gain air superiority over southern England and to knock British morale. The Luftwaffe had considerably more planes, with approximately: 1300 bombers and dive-bombers, 900 single-engine fighters and 600 twin-engine fighters. The British fighter command had 600 planes. However, the Luftwaffe lacked any consistent plan of action, the British forces were well prepared with the most advanced radar technology available at the time. 



By mid-September Britain had won the Battle of Britain, stopping the Luftwaffe from gaining air superiority by shooting down German bombers faster than they could be


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