
  • Created by: laurent8t
  • Created on: 03-05-17 14:24


  • Its a metabolite in lots of important metabolic reactions including condensation and hydrolysis
  • its a solvent- substances dissolve in it 
  • water helps with temperature control because it has a high latent heat of vaporisation and a high specific heat capacity 
  • Water molecules are very cohesive, helps water transport in plants 


one atom of oxygen, two atoms of hydrogen- joined by shared electrons

Shared negative hydrogen electrons are pulled towards the oxygen atom, the other side of each hydrogen atom is left with a slight positive charge 

the unshared negative electrons on oxygen atom give a slight negative charge- this makes water a polar molecule-partial positive charge on one sie and partial negative on the other side 

The slightly neg charge oxygen atoms attract the slightly positive-charged hydrogen atoms of other water molecules- this attraction is called hydrogen bonding 

Useful properties of water 

  • Water is an important metabolite

many metabolic reactions involve a condensation or hydrolysis reaction…


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