
  • Created by: sumbum999
  • Created on: 03-04-19 08:46

Bentham's Utilitarianism

Hedonic: Pursuit of pleasure

Telos: Goal/Aim

Teleological: Ends over means

Principle of Utility: Greatest balance of good over evil

Utility: Idea of 'usefulness' that we should do whatever is useful to increase good and decrease evil

Impartiality: We're objective and don't resolve ethical dilemmas by having favourites or personal bias

Secular: Doesn't resort to religion to justify an act

Consequentialism: Focuses on the consequences rather than the actions themselves

  • Father of Utilitarianism
  • Social Reformer
  • Opposed slavery, death penalty, corporal punishment, mistreatment of animals

'Create all happiness you are able to create: remove all misery you are able to remove'

Hedonic Calculus: (Quantative)

  • Intensity - How strong is the pleasure?
  • Certainty - How likely?
  • Fecundity - How probably are following pleasures?
  • Duration - How long?
  • Propinquity - How soon?
  • Purity - How unlikely it'll lead to pain?
  • Extent - How many people affected?

Issues with Calculus

  • Argued that good was happiness and pleasure. 'Pleasure' and 'good' for him were interchangable. Controversial view, Plato argued against pleasure.
  • Some pleasure can be bad, but Hedonism doesn't recognise this. 
  • Aims to reduce ethical decision making to quantative calculations…


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