USA at Home - BROWN V TOPEKA, 1954

  • Created by: lilyhw
  • Created on: 16-12-19 15:49

Why was the 'Brown v Topeka' case, 1954, significant?

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas: A 1954 supreme court case and decision

Thurgood Marshall: A lawyer for the NAACP

Earl Warren: The Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court from 1952

Plessy v. Ferguson : A supreme Court decision stating that segregation was acceptable so long as the facilities were equal. This become known as 'Seperate but equal'

Key features in the Brown v. Topeka case

  • In 1952, the NAACP bundled all five school desegregation cases together and took them to the supreme court as Brown v. The board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
  • NAACP lawyers argued that seperate was not equal in education, even with equal provision, because segregated schools made black children feels inferior. They argued that the 14th Amendment was being broken, because segregation made black children feel unequal.
  • By December 1952, the Supreme Court judges had not made a ruling. They voted to hear more legal advice and try the case again. Before retrial began, a pro-segregation judge died. His replacement, Earl Warren,


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