Understand how the structures of blood vessels (capillaries, arteries and veins) relate to their functions


Arteries, Veins and Capillaries

  • Blood is transported through tissues via the blood vessels
  • Blood is taken away from the heart via the arteries
  • This reaches the tissues via the capillaries
  • Blood is entered in to the heart via the veins
  • Each blood vessel has a space called a lumen

Artery Structure


  • It has collagen fibres which makes them strong and durable which also contain elastic fibres to allow them to stretch and recoil
  • It has smooth muscle (tunica media) which allows them to constrict and dilate
  • It can contract using its thick muscular layer.

Capillary Structure:


  • It is a thin blood vessel as the endothelium is one cell thick
  • Substances exchange easily
  • It has a high resistance to blood flow as blood is slowed down.
  • This gives time for efficient exchange of chemicals at tissues

Veins Structure:


  • It has collagen fibres which makes them strong and durable which also contain elastic fibres to allow them to stretch and recoil
  • It has smooth muscle (tunica media) which allows them to constrict and dilate
  • It has semi-lunar valves which prevent the backflow of blood

The pressure in the arteries is the highest:

  • The closest to the ventricles
  • They contract forcefully themselves
  • Capillaries are the highest pressure due to the…


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