Types of Computer

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 10-12-13 18:11

Mainframes are the Biggest:

  • Mainframes are very powerful- they can perform hundreds of millions of instructions per second (MIPS)
  • They're very large, and generate a lot of heat- so they need big air conditioned rooms
  • They're very expensive- typically costing around £3-4 million
  • They are used to run large computer systems and networks in bank, insurance companies and e-commerce firms on the Internet

Minicomputers are in the middle

  • Minicomputers are less powerfuk than mainframes but are more powerful than micros
  • As a result, they cost less than mainframes- but still require a special operating environment
  • They are typically used to run medium-sized sysmtes in small businesses

Microcomputers are the most common

  • Microcomputers were designed to stand alone, but are…


Miss Morgan


A great resource to check you know the basics.  Useful for all specifications.



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