Topic 1.3 - Cell Division

  • The nucleus of a cell contains chromosones
    • Chromosones carry genes that control the characteristics of the body
      • Each chromosone carries a large number of genes
  • Many genes have different forms called alleles 
    • These may produce different characteristics
  • In body cells the chromosones are normally found in pairs
  • Body cells divide by mitosis to provide additional cells during growth or to produce replacement cells
  • When a body cell divides by mitosis:
    • Copies of the genetic material are made 
    • The cell then divides once to form two genetically identical body cells
  • Cells in reproductive organs divide to form gametes
  • A cell divides to form gametes by meiosis 
  • When a cell divides by meiosis to form gametes:
    • Copies of the genetic material are made
    • The cell then divides twice to form 4 gametes, each with a single…


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