Thrombrosis & Aerterial thrombosis

  • Created by: claudsia
  • Created on: 05-01-22 14:25

Intro to Thrombrosis & Aerterial thrombosis

Haemostatis Over view

- Vessel Injury

- Vasoconstriction

- platelets roll and adhere ( bound exposed collagen by vWF and GPIB, release granules such as ADP and thromboxane A2 which

aggregates platelets and activates them

(exposure of collagen releases TF which binds with cofactor 7. activated co factor 7 binds to TF which makes activated serine protease. Cleaves factor 10 to become activated factor 10 which binds to factor 5.

- COmplex is active and cleaves pro thrombin to make active thrombin) (extrinsic pathway)

Intrinsinc Amplification pathway is when much thrombin is made

- Thrombin cleaves fac 11, 8 and 5. activating them

Factor VIII is stabilised by vWF. activated VIII cleaves IXa which activates fac X. thrombin activates V which binds to give more V-X activated complex which cleaves prothrombin to create thrombin.

- Thrombin activates factor 11 whichadds to cycling activation of the IX pthway which binds to VIII

-          A lot of this occurs on the negatively charged platelet surface that ow attracts + coag facs from nlood

The activation of the coagulation Cascade forms a haemostatic Plug


- the platelet aggregates together in the blood vessel

Venous Thrombosis

- is a coagulation issue

Haemostatis VS Thrombosis


·       platelets activated and clot to prevent excessive blood loss

·       negatively regulated by intact endothelium via - inhibitors such as antithrombin, blood flow is constricted, fibrinolysis which breaks down fibrin etc


·       Unwanted  formation of ablood clot called a THROMBUS . This blocks blood vessels.

·       Aerterial Thrombosis  is caused by vessel disease, this leads to Atherosclerotic (platelet aggregation in bloood vessel) rupture

·       TVenous thrombosis B due to slow blood flow and endothelal dysfunction or altered blood properties such as coagulation

--- In Artery ---

- Thicker vessel wall

- Artery has atherosclerotic plaque that can narrow the artery

-- In Vein --

- venous thrombosis

- not due to damage - altered properties of vessel wall, increases coagulation of blood.

- Spontaneous clots due to Coagulation Cascade trigger which forms fibrin Mesh.


1. Begins w Fatty Streak - A deposit of low density lipoprotein carrying cholesterol UNDER endothelial layer.

·       immune cells enter site ti ckear fatty deposit

2. Macrophage becomes inflammatory cell to engulf it

·       occurs at site in vascular tree where lamina flow is disrupted. 

·       Undissolved stereaks become bigger, and T cels


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