The background of those students who will achieve well at school: class


Differences in achievement

  • internal factors: factors within schools and the education system ( e.g interactions between pupils and teachers and inequalities between schooles)
  • External factors: factors outside the education system ( e.g influences of home and family background and wider society )

The background of those students who will achieve well at school:


Middle class students generally do well at school

  • Cultural deprivation: working class families provide many educational books, toys and activities to stimulate intellectual development. They are also socialised into the elaborated code from an early age meaning when they start school they are already fluent in the code. Also, middle class parents tend to encourage and motivate their children as they want them to achieve high status jobs ( middle class values equip children for success).
  • material deprivation : middle class children have to access to housing where they can safely


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