Ethnic differences in achievement - Internal factors



GILLBORN & YOUDELL found that teachers expected black students to be disruptive & threatening and treated them based on these labels - led to conflict with the students, who felt picked on > this created a SFP + underachievement.

  • WRIGHT found primary school teachers assumed Asian students couldn't speak English well, leaving them out of discussions. They also mispronounced their names & disapproved of their culture, making them feel marginalised and causing underachievement.

AO3 - FULLER studied a group of black teenage girls who reject racist labels from teachers, formed a subculture and still achieved - shows negative labelling doesn't always create a SFP/underachievement.

AO3 - teachers have positive & negative views of Chinese & Indian students - they're 'model minorites' who achieve beacuse they're hard-working, not 'naturally' smart - only white MC students achieve due to natural talent.

AO3 - Chinese & Indian students are more likely to be from MC backgrounds than other ethince groups, so the positive labels they get from teachers…


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