The Judicary and the executive, and the supreme court and rights


The Judicary and the Executive

  • Supreme Court is more powerful in terms of review, M v Home office in 1993
  • However the executive still can win most of the cases of judicial review, government still got their way on Brexit in 2017 despite  supreme court 
  • The supreme court is legally a lot more independant, Constitutional Reform Act 2005
  • However it still can be swayed by the government, most judicial review cases are found in favour of government 
  • The Human Rights Act of 1998 means supreme court can more effectively challenge gov
  • However government can find loopholes in this system, Iraq war and anti terrorism laws in 2004
  • Government is elected by people therefore it can bypass supreme court in parliament, tory majority in 2015 
  • However in practice they dont really do this, advice on brexit was carried out 
  • Government technically has far more authority than the supreme court, more power, for example Blair declaring war on iraq 
  • However supreme court does have the power to advise


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