The Impact of the Revolution/ Chapter 7


1. Dismantling of the ancien regime

  • The Church. It suffered a lot, the land was nationalised, income from the tithe abolished, financial privileges abolished, salaries were not paid, the monopoly on education was removed. The Civil Constitution of Clergy produced a deep division within the Church. The situation was difficult till Napoleon's Concordat with the Pope was agreed on 18 April 1802
  • The nobility. they lost their feudal dues, financial privileges and paid now more in tax. They lost their venal offices, their domination in Church and State. On 19 June 1790, the nobility was abolished and the use of all titles was forbidden. About 1200 nobles were executed and many were imprisoned. After Terror, the majority retained their lands and did not lose their position of economic dominance. 
  • The bourgeoisie. Over the course of the French Revo, the bourgeoisie were its main beneficiaries and many of the reforms of the Constituent Assembly were supported by them. The voting system also favoured them and there was also some bourgeoisie who did not benefit. For example, when they were paid in worthless assignats and also when the "two-third" thing was introduced. 
  • The peasantry. Losses: 1) income was lost 2) rents rose a lot 3) dechristianisation resulted in persecutions 4) peasants who produced for the market were badly affected by the Maximum on the price of grain. Gains: 1) abolition of indirect taxes and reduction of direct taxes and less burden 2) those who owned land benefitted from abolition of feudal dues 3) peasants were…


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