the German revolution


29 october a mutiny began to spread amongst sailors who refused to obey orders. Prince Maxs government quickly lost control of the political situation and, by 2 November, sailors had taken charge of other major ports. These takeovers had been prompted by a real fear among the sailors that their officers were planning a suicide attack on the british fleet, in order to restore the honour of the German navy. By 6 November numerous workers' and soldiers' councils, similar to the soviets (a russian word meaning an elected council. Many were set up in Germany and were supported by more radical and revolutionary left-wing working class) that had been set up by the bolshevik revolution ("bolsevik" means majority which was used by Lenin as the leader of the majority Russian Socialist Party from 1903. In 1917 Lenin and the Bolsheviks seized power to create a communist government.) in Russia were established in the major cities of Berlin, Cologne and Stuttgart. In Bavaria (One of the oldest states in Europe and part…


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