the design/teleological argument (paley)

  • Created by: samira6
  • Created on: 27-03-18 11:34

1.argument is a posteriori- based on sense experience through obsevstion we draw conclusions.

2. argument is inductive use premises to bring conclusions-gives new knowlege but is proparly true

3.argument based on complexity-natural world/organs/law of nature,regularity-moon/planet/season.

the world having complexicity and regularity suggests that the world has a purpose.

4.after fully observing paley formulates inductive design argument- objects in the world show evidence they have been designed as they exhibit complexity and regularity implies they were made for a purpose. similar the universe too thereofore it is likely that the universe was designed.

5. paley argues inductively from observation of the world(design) back to supposed cause (god).

paley uses the example of a watch where he quotes (it`s several parts are framed and put together for a purpose) which is


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