songs of innocence and of experience : introduction (I)

  • Created by: Kiwisloth
  • Created on: 10-04-19 12:19

overall meaning: a floating child asks the speaker to pipe, sing and write a song about a lamb.

key features of the poem:

  • 'on a cloud I saw a child' refers to Blakes claims that he "saw" angels. 'child' has connotations of innocence and being angel-like. the child also appears on a cloud suggesting that the child has supernatural abilities.
  • 'a lamb' in a biblical inference as Jesus is referred to as 'the lamb of God' in the bible and lambs represent new life. this may refer to the innocent nature of his poems in the frirst part of the anthology.
  • the repetition if the personal pronoun 'I' suggests that theis could be Blakes own point of view  and shows that the speaker is obeying god


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