Smoking and the Risk of Disease


There are about 1.1 billion smokers world-wide, smoking around 6000 billion cigarettes yearly.

Every cigarette smoked contains tobacco leaves which, as they burn, produce around 4000 different chemicals that are inhaled into the throat, trachea and lungs. At least 150 of these are linked to disease.

Two components of tobacco smoke and their effects:

-Nicotine is the addictive but relatively harmless drug found in tobacco smoke. It produces a sensation of calm, well-being and 'being able to cope' and this is why people like smoking.

-Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas found in tobacco smoke and it takes up some of the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood. After smoking a cigarette up to 10% of the blood will be carrying carbon monoxide instaed of oxygen. This can ultimatly lead to a shortage of oxygen.

Effects on smoking to the foetus during pregnancy:

Oxygen shortage is a particular problem in pregnant women who smoke. During pregnancy a women is carrying oxygen for both her and the developing foetus as well…


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