B7 - Non - communicable diseases


B7 - Non - communicable diseases


Non - communicable diseases

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B7.1 - Basic info

  • Cant be passed on. 
  • Risk factors - lifestyle, substances in persons body or environment linked to disease.
  • E.g more ciggarets smoked = more chance of lung cancer or heart disease.
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B7.2 - Cancer

  • Benign and Malignant tumours - abnormal uncontrolled cell devision.
  • Benin - form in 1 place, dont move
  • Malignant - cancerous,invade neighbouring tissues and can spread in blood, forming secondary tumours. 
  • Lifestyle risk factors - smoking, obesity, UV exposure, genetic risk.
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B7.3 - Smoking and the risk of disease.

  • Can cause cardiovascular disease - heart disease, lung cancer. 
  • A fetus exposed to smoke - restricted exygen supply, premeture birth, low birth weight and stillbirth.
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B7.4 - Diet exercise and disease.

  • Diet affects risk of cardiovascular disease through cholestorol levels and obesity.
  • Exercise affects risk of cardiovascuklar disease.
  • Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes. 
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B7.5 - Alchol and carcinogens.

  • Can  cause cirrohosis of liver and liver cancer.
  • Can cause brain damage and death. 
  • Alcohol consumed by pregnant woman can affect babys development.
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