"Sacred writings fail to reveal God." Discuss


"Sacred Writings fail to Reveal God." Discuss 

Exam response broken down using exam technique of PEEAF (Against/For or Support)


Within religions, there are sacred writings that are considered important - mainly in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. However, theists interpret these sacred writings, such as in the Bible, in different ways - they may take them literally as the word of God or take it from a liberal point of view. Alongside interpretation, there are different views on how the Bible should be revealed - in a propositional and non-propositional way.(THESIS) Ultimately, sacred writings do fail to reveal Gd as it is necessary for theists to interpret the Bible from an individual point of view of God's revelation and not the one that is dictated to them through the Bible. 


Point:A propositional view of the Bible would state that it should be taken litterally, therefore sacred writings do not fail to reveal God.These scriptures contain propositional revelation in which God directly encloses knowledge of Divine reality to all people universally.

Explanation: The authority of the Bible derives from the fact that the Bible is propositional revealtion from God that reveals knowledge about God to people. Many Christians agree that the Bible reveals propositions about God and God's wishes for human that are true. 

Example: The 10 Commandments were given to Moses by God and these reveal basic commands for human beings about how they should live. 

Evaluation/further explanation: Billy Graham once said "the Bible is the book written by God through 30 secretaries," meaning 'the word of God' comes to mean the words spoken by God. Every word is verbally inspired as if God directly dictated all of scripture, and as a result it is unlikely to be thought as containing any error. 

Support: Aquinas supports the idea of propositional revelation within the Bible as he describes faith as "belief that" - in order to accept God's revelation, we are required to believe that certain propositions are true. E.g. the belief that Jesus is God's son.

Against: On the other hand, how can one know which revelations are true propositions? Despite the suggested criteria of fitting in with accepted Christian teaching, this does not guarantee that a revelation is genuine. While the after-affects of a revelation can be pointed out, such as Paul becoming a Christian after the revelation on the road to Damascus, this is not an absolute proof of the genuineness of revelation.

Ending sentence: (at the end of every big PEEAF the sentence should link back to the question)Therefore, it seems that the propositional view of sacred writing, mainly in the Bible, has too many flaws to say that God is sucessfully revealed within sacred writings. 


Point: Sacred writings do fail to reveal God according to the non-propositional view of revelation in the Bible. In


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