RESEARCH METHODS (Part3/5) (Reliability and Validity, Ethics, Observations)

  • Created by: Shruti
  • Created on: 17-04-13 17:55


Reliability of an experiment is determined through replication.

Inter-observer reliability: is the extent to which there is agreement between observers, observing the behaviours. (Similar to inter-rater reliability but non-specific to the research method)

External reliability: obtaining the same results each time. Control using test-retest method.

Internal relaibility: consistency within the test. Assoicated with attitude scales or psychometric measures; if the tool is consistent. Using split half methods.

Internal validity: Does the study measure what it claims to measure; can be hindered by CV's if EV's uncontrolled. Can be established by using repeated measures desgin, or controlling situational and investigator variables.

External validity: The extent to which findings can be generalised. Includes population, temporal and ecological validity, can be established by sampling and triangulation.

Measuring validity.

Face V - does the test look like its testing what it claims?

Concurrent V - comparing results obtained by a new test with an older relaible one.

Predictive V - ability to predict performance on future test E.g IQ tests predicting grade.


Moral principles that guide


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