Relationships 2011


Relationships: Formation

Filter Model, Kerckhoff and Davis

Field of available > Filter out potential partners > Field of Desirables

  • Social/ Demographic Variables= Similar economic/ social background. Characteristics
  • Similarity of At***udes and Values= Share ideas and beliefs.
  •  Complementarity of Needs.

Longitudinal (drop out) study of students (generalizability) to complete a questionaire (demand characteristics) on simularity of partners. They found a higher similarity ment a longer relationship.

The study emphasizes importance of demographic factors and similarity. However, it fails to capture fluid and dynamic natures of some relationships

Spreecher found that couples matching in all areas of similarity have longer, happier relationships.

Reward/Need Theory

Long-term relationships= meet each others needs and provide rewards (like enjoy each others company). People enter relationships based on biological needs (like sex and kids) and Psychological needs (like support and acceptance).

Rusbuilt= Rewards are important in determining if and how a relationship between 2 people will develop.

Clark and Mills= "*** for tat" reward system (cook today if you cook tomorrow). These are rewards for a long relationship. They called this exchange relationships.

Smith agreed that meeting the needs of each other in relationships are important factores in long-term relationships.

: Stay or Go? (Economic)

Interdependence Theory, Thibaut and Kelly.

Relationships are viewed alot like business transactions. It suggests that people keep an eye on the "balance sheet" of relationships, by comparison, which are:

Comparison Level (CL)- This compaires…


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