
Theories of Romantic Relationships There is no biological approach or some of the other topics in relationships due to the new 2022 specification.
Who created the Social Exchange Theory?
Thibaut and Kelly (1959)
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What is the Social Exchange Theory?
Social behavior involves social exchanges where people are motivated by obtaining something of value (reward) in exchange for forfeiting something else of value (cost).
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What did Blau (1964) suggest?
That social interactions are 'expensive' because they take energy, time and commitment which are finite personal resources and so what we get out of a relationship must at least pay us back in equal amount.
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What is a Comparison Level?
This is a standard against which all our relationships are judged. I.E. an idea of what we might expect form a relationship.
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What was Thibaut and Kelley proposed 4 stage model of long term relationship? Explain each in minor detail.
Sampling - explore the costs and rewards of associating with different people in different ways.
Bargaining - Takes place at the start of a relationship with giving and receiving various types of rewards
Commitment - Devotes their attention to the relatio
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Who created the Equity Theory?
Walster et al (1978)
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What is the Equity Theory?
Equity theory proposes the winning formula of fairness in relationships: one partner’s benefits minus their costs, should equal another partner’s benefits minus their costs. - EQUITY DOES NOT MEAN EQUALITY!!!
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Who created the Investment Model?
Rusbult et al (2011)
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What is the Investment Model?
An extension of Social Exchange Theory; according to Rusbult et al, commitment depends on three factors.
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What are the three factors that Rusbult et al claimed that commitment depends on?
Comparison with alternatives
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What does Investment refer to?
The extent and importance of the resources that have been placed in the relationship, its anything that would be lost if the relationship was to end. The greater the investment, the more likely the relationship with be maintained.
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What are Intrinsic and Extrinsic Investments?
Intrinsic - Those we put directly into the relationship such as energy and emotions
Extrinsic - resources that previously didn't feature in the relationship but are now associated with it.
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When did Duck create his Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown?
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What are the Stages of Ducks Phase Model Relationship Breakdown?
Breakdown of the relationship - One Partner feels dissatisfied with the relationship.
1. Intrapsychic - Cognitive Process within the individual. - Mulls over the relationship privately
2. Dyadic - Process between two partners - series of confrontations ab
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Card 2


What is the Social Exchange Theory?


Social behavior involves social exchanges where people are motivated by obtaining something of value (reward) in exchange for forfeiting something else of value (cost).

Card 3


What did Blau (1964) suggest?


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Card 4


What is a Comparison Level?


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Card 5


What was Thibaut and Kelley proposed 4 stage model of long term relationship? Explain each in minor detail.


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