psych positive approach therapy

  • Created by: leonalj
  • Created on: 10-05-24 19:30


  • mindfulness is about becoming aware of waht is happening in the present moment
  • it involves a range of practcies:mindful breathing, yoga and meditation
  • these techniques allow the individual to become aware of what is ahppening in the present moment and focus their attention on this instaed of any negative thoughts/feelings.
  • people engaging in mindfulness should devlop the ability to be accepting of their thougths rather than allowing them to control their behaviour and emotions
  • this awareness and observation of our own thoughts and feeling can allow us to recognise problems before they arise which shuld improve our wellbeing and mental health.
  • mindfulness techniques have been used for a range of problems
  • national institution of health and care recommend mindfulness as a preventative treatment for depression . it can also be used in everyday life to improve well being of those who arent dealing with psychological issues.
  • examples of mindfulness techniques- body scan meditation- individual becomes aware of the sensations they feel at certain parts of the body without reacting to them- mindful breathing- individual becomes aware of the bodys breathing movements at the chets and abdomen, focusing on them allowing the breath to flow and not trying to chnage them- if the mind wanders bring the mind back immediatelty


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