Prejudice and Discrimination - Christianity and Islam

  • Created by: z
  • Created on: 07-04-10 13:12

Prejudice and Discrimination

Prejudice literally means to pre-judge someone, to have an opinion about them based not on facts but on stereotyped assumptions about them; for example, thinking that all teenagers browsing in stores are probably shoplifters.

Discrimination means acting on a prejudice, treating someone unfairly or stopping them from doing something because of prejudice; for example, refusing to give someone a job because they are black.

The main causes of prejudice and discrimination are:

  • Ignorance
  • Upbringing
  • Fear
  • Stereotyping.

Different forms of prejudice and discrimination

  • Colour
  • Religion
  • Social Class
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Nationality
  • Gender

Forms of prejudice and discrimination

Concepts of equality, justice and community

Most religions teach about the basic equality of all human beings. This does not mean everyone is the same or even that everyone has equal advantages in life – they obviously do not. ‘Everyone is equal’ means that all people have equal human rights to live and work freely and to search for happiness and peace.

Religious believers think people should be treated with justice – fairly and according to the law. If laws are unjust, they work to change them.

Many religious believers have an important sense of community, people who share the same values and feel responsible for each other.



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