Postmodernism perspective on religion.

  • Created by: parvos98
  • Created on: 29-03-15 13:00

Postmodernity, put bluntly, is bloody confusing. Hence why i am writing some back-to-basics notes on this theory.


Postmodernism is the view that society has developed and changed from a previously "modern" society. This change took place shortly after the end of the Second World War. 

Modern society began in the industrial revolution.It was a society that was dominated by an industrial economy and meritocracy.

Individuals believed in science, religion (in this case Christianity, otherwise you were called a heretic) and held differing political ideologies on how to run society (capitalism, communism etc.)

Finally, one's identity was based on pre-determined characteristics. If you were born as an Afro-Caribbean working-class woman, that would be exactly how others would define you.


Postmodernists such as LYOTARD (1992) claim that society has progressed much from modernity. Clearly a rather unimagninative bloke, Lyotard called this POSTMODERNITY. He argues that society is more dynamic, liberal and individualistic. The development of science, technology, ethnic and cultural diversity has made a more cosmopolitan, constantly changing society. 

For example: Britain now relies on goods manufactured by developing countries, people have lost faith in science and religion as answers to METANARRATIVES (impossible questions) or they are too focused on their own lives to care about these answers. Moreover, the advent of secularisation and a diverse society has created serious competition for Christianity in beign the dominant belief system.  Finally, much of today's culture and personal identity is defined using mass media and the internet. For example, British popular music culture is now often formed by international music artists who have found fame on the internet.

Overall, postmodern society is all about choice and variety. Variety is the spice of life (whoever said this has never tasted Paprika).


Anyone who has ever played the game "Assassin's Creed" will recognise the Assassin's code. 

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted".

This could be effectively used to apply to the postmodern view on religion. They believe that in a postmodern society, there is no "one true faith", no God or deity and that no religion can claim a monopoly on the "truth". That represents the "nothing is true" bit. 

"Everything is permitted"=Postmodernists however, encourage the individual practice and meaninngs of religion. Religion's place in society is wholly dependant on the time, place and individual. Major religions have no more influence than minor NRMs such as Pastafarianism (don't ask).

The conclusion of this view is that religion is an entirely human-made and individual defined phenomenon.

Religion can be used to give meaning to certain rituals, events or…


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