Poetry sumary


When We Two Parted: 

Lord Byron- ABABCDCD

This is an autobiographical poem about a relationship that has ended badly and left the man very upset. It is made obvious throught the poem that the relationship has died. Key quotes that show this are:

  • 'A knell in mine ear' A knell is the sound of a bell rung solemnly often at a funeral.
  • ' Pale grew thy cheek and cold,' this is a similar description to that of a corpse.
  • 'In silence I grieve' This is another subtle reference to death as a person usuals grieves a loved one when they are dead.

Love's philosophy:

Percy Bysshe Shelly- ABABCDCD

This poem is about a mans love and is very poingiant as his love is unrequited. It discusses how everything and everyone has a partner and shelly has been rejected by his.   Some key quotes are:

  • 'The fountains mingle with the river and the river with the ocean.' this is significant as we cannot live without water so cant live without love.
  • 'see the mountains kiss high heaven and the waves clasp one another.' this is refering back to water again as well as heaven which was previously mentioned.
  • 'What are all these kissings worth, if thou not kiss me?' This is a rehtrical question which holds the true meaning of the whole poem and gets the reader to empathise with Shelly.

Porphyria's lover:

Robert Browning- ABABB

This is a very powerful poem which uses both juxtoposition and dehumanisation. It was originally called mad house cell but the name was changed.                                  Some key quotes are:

  • 'Made her smooth white shoulder bare.' Porphyria's actions are overtly sectual, demonstrating how she is not comforming to victorian societies strict 'moral code'.
  • 'For love of her


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