Physics P3.2

  • Created by: juddr12
  • Created on: 13-05-14 14:16

P3 2.1

A moment of a force is its turning effect.

Moment = perpendicular sitance from the line of action to the pivot in metres x force in newtons

To increase the moment, you should increase the force of increase the distance from the pivot.

We use levers to make our lives easier. The force put on the lever is called the effort and the force we are lifted or moving is called the load.

P3 2.2

A mass of an object is usually thought as of being concentrated at one point. This is named the centre of mass.

A freely suspended object will rest with its centre of mass below the point of suspension and is in equilibrium.

To find a centre of mass of an irregular sheet of material, hang it from a pin on a clamp stand and hang a plumbline in front of it. Draw on the material where the plumbline hangs over it. Repeat the procedure at another point. The centre of mass is where the points cross.

The centre of mass depends on the shape of an object, therefore it may lay outside the shape

A symmetrical shape has a centre of mass lying on the lines of symmetry, this means that if there is more than one line of symmetry, the centre of mass is where they cross.

P3 2.3

A moment when the total clockwise moment and the total anticlockwise moment are equal, this is when an object is


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