Physics P1.1 energy transfer by heating


Physics P1.1 energy transfer by heating

Infrared radiation

Infrared radiation is energy transfer by electromagnetic waves

All objects emit infrared radiation

The hotter the object the more infrared radiation it emits in a given time

Dark, matt objects are good absorbers of infrared radiation

Dark, matt objects are good emitters of infrared radiation

Light, shiny objects are poor absorbers of infrared radiation

Light, shiny objects are good reflectors of infrared radiation

Sates of matter

Flow, shape, volume and density are the properties used to describe each state of matter

The particles in a solid are held next to each other in fixed positions

The particles in a liquid move about at random and are in contact with each other

The particles in a gas move about randomly and are much further apart than particles in a solid or liquid.


Metals are the best conductors of energy

Materials such as wool and fibreglass are the best insulators

Conduction of energy in a metal is due mainly to free electrons transferring energy inside the metal

Non-metals are poor conductors because they do not contain free electrons.

All atoms are vibrating a small amount

These vibrations are passed on from atom to atom by collision

All ions are vibrating a small amount

These vibrations are passed on from


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