


  • Tillich: Proposes there is a distinction between sign and symbol.
    • A Sign is "Something, which represents something else".
    • A symbol is "a pattern or object, which points to an invisible metaphysical reality and participates in it."
    • Tillich suggested that symbols help us to talk about complex matters, and these symbols are generally recognised.
    • All religions had or have symbols, and they have the power to point beyond literal meaning.
    • Symbols are eternal, however they can change meaning, such as the swastika.
  • Tillich: Ground of Being.
    • The ground of being is God, and Tillich clainms that all humans should be concerned with it.
      • Tillich claimed we need symbols to help us speak about the ground of being, as divine matters are difficult to express.
    • We can look at the actions of Jesus to find out about the Ground of Being.
  • Randall:
    • Calimed religion is symbol and myth.
    • Studied the function of stmbols, such as arousing emotion and bringing communities together.
  • Stephens:
    • "We live in a picture of the world".
    • Shows limitations of symbols, as they do not give us a full understanding.
  • Erika Dinker-Von Schubert
    • Symbols help us communicate and understand complex truths.
    • Dinker-Von Schubert was famous for her writings on the cross (Not everyone has the same feelings to the cross.)
    • The cross makes peoples aware of Jesus' life and God's love for the world.
  • Strengths of Symbol:
    • Subtle modes of communication.
    • Useful to communicate religious and spiritual truths.
    • Flexible as…


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