parasocial relationships

  • Created by: maisha
  • Created on: 27-03-21 18:07


  • Attachment theory is the explaination for parasocial relationships to be formed by those that had insecure childhood attachments
  • Individuals form different types of attachments as infants and these attachment types as see to affect future relationships later in life which is linked to Bowlby's idea of the internal working model
  • Individuals with insecure-resistant attachment types (type C) are seen as being the most likely to develop a parasocial relationship 
  • This is because these individuals have a need for a close emotional relationship but one in which they have a redced risk of being rejected 
  • Individuals who develop secure attachments (type B) as infants are abl to develop loving, two way, face-to-face relationships as adults so therefore have little need to develop a parasocial relationship
  • Individuals with insecue-avoidant attachments (type A) as infants have difficulty trusing other people and have a poor internal working model. 
  • This therefore means that they induldge in behaviours designed not to create intimacy and so are therefore less likely to


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