Paper 1-Parts of Language.


Friday 9th September 2016.

Parts of the English Language:

Types of Nouns:

  • Common- Usual, normal nouns.
  • Concrete- When the 5 senses are used to describe a noun.
  • Abstract- When the 5 senses cannot be used to describe a Noun.
  • Pronouns- Nouns used when describing someone, for example, He, she, they.
  • Proper- Names used to describe people and places.
  • Plural- more than one, for example, "children"
  • Singular- one moun, for example, "child"

Prepisitions- Where something is (when something is under, or around)                    Conjunctions- Connecting words (but, yet)                                                                   Interjections- abrupt remark, usually an interruption.

What is a noun phrase?   (Nouns depend on context)

A noun phrase is a noun that has another word added to it to give more information about it to the reader…


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