Origins in psychology


Origins of Psychology AO1

Wilhem Wundt and introspection (p124)

  • Wilhem Wundt (W.W) belived the mind could be studied scientifically
  • W.W established psychology as a science and experimentation as method of choice
  • Believed the human mind is a construction of basic elements, sensation and perception (structuralist approach)

Emergance of psychology as a science

  • W.W's approach was based on empiricism, a hallmark of the scientific method, which helped to establish psychology as a science
  • W.W adopted 2 scientific assumptions:
    • behaviour has a cause (determinism)
    • therefore it is predictable

Scientific method in psychology

  • Scientific method: use of investigative methods that are objective, systematic and reproducable
  • Objective: preconceptions or biases do not influence data collection
  • Systematic: measurement/recording of data is carried out with precision and control
  • Reproducable: others can carry out the same method and get the


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