
  • Created by: wallagee
  • Created on: 03-05-22 22:25


God is all-loving (e.g John 3:16).
Loving vs all-loving - surely a better distinction is that God is perfectly loving 
Also means God possesses perfect goodness - is this goodness the same as it is for a human/ a moral agent? 

God is intrinsically loving: psalms praise his "steadfast" love which "endures forever
contrasts his destructive love - towns lke Sodom and Gomorrah - is punishment part of being loving?

J S MILL God cannot be loving if he created a world where animals must kill each other to survive.


> Problem with omnibenevolence - the Euthyphro DilemmaIf God is all good:
1) are things good because God wills it? 
2) or does God will it because it is good?
1 seems arbitrary and 2 undermines the understanding of God as the highest reality and follows the platonist view that morality exists independent of God.

> If good is restricted by his nature to do only


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