Multi faith society


Benifits of a multi-faith society

- People can learn about other religions and this can help them see what religions have in common

- People from different relgions may practice their religion more seriously and this can make other people think about how they should be practicing their religion

- People may come to understand why people believe what they do believe 

- People are likely to become a lot more understanding and respectful of other people's religion

- Religious freedom and understanding will exist in a multi-faith society and this may help to stop religious conflict

Issues raised for relgion by a multi faith society

1) Conversion

Many religions feel it is their duty to covert people to their religion because they believe:

- Their religion is the only one which is right 

- They believe that the only way for followers of other religions to be able to get into heaven is to be converted

- Their Holy Books teach that they should covert non- believers 

But this creates conflict because: 

- Treating people differntly because of their religion and trying to convert people who have different opinions than your own is discriminating 

- It is impossible to say all religions are wrong unless you have studies them all- which nobody has

- Trying to convert others can lead to arguments and even violence when people are told their religion is wrong 

2) Bringing up children

- Many religious parents can have conflict because they would want their children to be their own faith 

- Children are taught that only those who follow their religion will have a good life after death, and parents worry what will happen to


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