

The Establishment of Islam

In Medina, Muhammad (pbuh) established a state that was ruled according to Muslim laws. All citizens were regarded as equals before Allah and secured the same rights. Emphasis was put on building faith and spiritual goodness rather than material wealth. The Medinan Muslims lived harmoniously with one another but they were not without their enemies.

The Meccans whom Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers had left behind in Mecca were still angry and persecution of the relatives of Muslims continued in the city. This led to much conflict and bad feeling between the two groups and the years following the Hijrah saw a number of battles between the Meccans and early Muslims.

Summary of Battles

624 CE: Battle of Badr: The Muslims won despite a huge Meccan army, gained popularity and strength.

625 CE: Battle of Uhud: very close but the Muslims came out ahead.

627 CE: Battle of the Trench: brilliant victory for Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers.

630 CE: The March into Makkah: Muhammad (pbuh) and 10, 000 followers marched into Mecca and gained control of the city.

Extension: research one or more of the battles in more detail.

After the Meccans were defeated in a number of battles, Muhammad (pbuh) eventually took control of Mecca. He entered the city on his camel, circled the Ka’bah and rededicated it as a house of worship to Allah, destroying the idols within. Makkah soon became a Muslim city and it remains the holy city of Islam today.

When Muhammad (pbuh) died in 632C.E. Islam was already beginning to grow. Between 630 and 632, diplomatic efforts and alliances allowed Islam to gain a foothold in the Arabian Peninsula and began to spread further afield. Muslims believe that by the time of his death Muhammad (pbuh) had delivered the complete message of Allah to humanity and had demonstrated through his life how to live according to that message.

In the years following the Prophet’s death, Islam expanded quickly, with…


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