Medieval Ideas and Treatments


Medieval Ideas and Treatments

1. Who was the most at risk from illness?

Women were largely at risk from illness due to childbirth, and it was also likely that 30% of children would die before the age of seven. In addition, the rich could afford treatment so were rarely at risk from illness, whereas the poor were living in extreme poverty, where they had amny illnesses.

2. What were some of the diseases and illnesses? Which are still a problem today?

Malnourishment was one of the biggest killers, as they were much more prone to catching disease. 'Saint Anthony's Disease' was caused by a fungus growing on stored rye in damp conditions. Once the rye was ground into flour and baked into bread, those who ate it developed painful rashes and in some cases, died. Dysentery, typoid, smallpox and measles were all widespread diseases. Historians predict that perhaps around ten percent of England's population, in the early 14th century died from these diseases.

3. Can you explain why medicine from Bald's Leechbook in the 10th Century should be as effective as a modern medicine? What does this tell you about Medieval treatments?

Medicine from the 10th Century should be as effective because recently, the medicines were tested and proved to be at least as effective as modern medicines used to


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