Media and Crime


Media and Crime

  • Williams and Dickinson (1993) found British newspapers devote up to 30% of their news space to crime

How the media distorts crime

  • Over-representation of violent and sexual crime
    • Ditton & Duffy (1983) found that 46% of media were about sexual/violent crime yet it was only 3% of all crime
      • criticism :
        how do you define sexual / violent?
        not all sexual crimes are reported due to embarrassment, fear, having personal details discussed etc.. so 3% may not be an accurate figure
  • Portrays the criminals and victims and more middle class than reality
  • Exaggerated police success
    • we always hear about arrests, people being put in jail etc... 
    • it's more of a story to hear about the successfulness of the police (e.g. you don't hear a lot about an ongoing police investigation but when they finally catch the criminals, it's more of a story
    • it takes a while to correctly identify criminals and investigate
      • if police makes a mistake and jail someone innocent, it will ruin their reputation and be labelled as "corrupt"
  • exaggerated risk of victimisation
    • make people believe that it's more likely that you're going to be at a risk of crime than you actually are
  • crime is reported as a series of separate events
    • in reality there may be links that one person is committing a lot of the crimes or it's one person being victimised a lot
      • e.g. the place you live in, an abusive relationship etc…
  • overplay extraordinary events
    • things that are really obscure are reported a LOT and it's everywhere in the


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