Macbeth Revision

  • Created by: Denno
  • Created on: 11-01-18 20:43


Key Themes:

  • Fate and free will
  • Ambition
  • Power
  • Versions of reality
  • Gender
  • The supernatural
  • Violence
  • Time
  • Bravery
  • Guilt


  • Macbeth
  • Lady Macbeth
  • The three weird sisters
  • Banquo
  • King Duncan
  • Macduff
  • Malcom
  • Hecate
  • Fleance
  • Lennox
  • Ross
  • The murderers of Banquo
  • Porter
  • Lady Macduff
  • Donalbain

The Porter:

  • The Porter is quite comical for the rest of play
  • He helps relieving tension
  • His fondess of sexual innuendo - gential jokes
  • He is referred to as the gate holder to Hell
  • He also makes more tension as he mentions "Beelzebub" meaning the devil, and he mentions a "everlasting bonfire", linking back to eternal punishment of Hell
  • "Knock knock knock"


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