Lenin's seizure of power in 1917 = turning point in the development of Russian Government?

  • Created by: lyd_kate
  • Created on: 24-04-18 20:41

Central Govt 

Tsar had ability to make decisions until 1905.

Changed under October Manifesto, State Council to check on Duma the elected lower chamber.  Restricted their power under Fundamental Laws 1906 - Duma accountable to Tsar

Top at Communists was Politburo. Council of Ministers = main law making/admin body. Similar to Central Executive Comittee - Orgburo - party affairs, Ogburo (opposition) and Sovnarkom - Govt ministers - eg Stalin for national minorities

1936 Constitution -  Supreme Soviet/USSR - main law making body. Soviet of union representatives of USSR & nationalities - but only met twice a year. Communist party remained 'nucleus of all the public and state organisations of the working people' - Article 126

Local Govt 

Zemstva nobles had no political role 1864 responsible for roads, fences selected by property qualifications. 

1881 Zemstva monitored by land captains

Duma &


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