Gender Bias


Gender and Culture in Psychology: Gender Bias

Universality and Bias

  • Bias is an inevitable aspect of the research process conducted by psychologists.
  • This is despite arguments that some psychologists might make that they have discovered 'facts' about human behaviour that are 'objective' and 'value-free'.
  • It undermines psychology's claims to universality - that conclusions drawn can be applied to everyone, anywhere, regardless of time or culture.

Gender Bias

  • Gender bias - When concidering human behaviour, bias is a tendency to treat one individual or group in a different way from others. In this case, psychological theory or research may offer a view that does not justifiably represent the experience or behaviour of men or women (more so women).
  • Alpha bias - Shown in psychological theories or research which exaggerates or overestimates differences between the sexes. These may enhance or devalue members of either sex, but typically females are undervalued.
  • Beta bias - Shown in psychological theories or research which ignores, minimises or underestimates differences between the sexes. This often occurs when female participants are not included as part of the research process and then it is assumed that the research findings apply equally to both sexes, which might not be true.


  • Sociobiological theory of


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