intergumentary system


Integumentary system - skin, nails and hair

The integumentary system is comprised of Skin, nails, hair, glands and nerves. Its main function is to protect the body’s internal environment from the changing external environment, pollutants and pathogens. 

It also removes waste in the form of sweat

Skin - psychological , social

Hair- holds moisture (oil,sweat,environmental moisture) , retains heat , social , psychological

Nails- social,  psychological  

Microbiome -the normal bacteria and fungi that your body hosts 

6 functions of the skin:

  • Protection/defence

  • Heat regulation 

  • Gets rid of toxins through stewart 

  • Touch

  • Protects us from uv 

  • Vitamin d

  • Loss of essential bodily fluids

  • Skin acts as a barrier


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