immune system


The immune system (IS)

Caused by - pathogens (virus, bacteria, fungus, protozoa)

Virus - spread, direct contact, blood sharing, air breathing

Bacteria - slower spread, hygiene, overcrowding, antibiotic resistance bacteria, direct contact)

Fungus - damp, dark, warm, very slow spread, outside contaminate)


  • Non specific IS (cillia, eyelashes, PH changes) & specific IS

  • Non specific = general defence & phagocytes

  • Important bridge between both immune systems 

– destroys any ‘foreign’ cell but carries out ‘antigen presentation’ (helps specific IS)

Antigen presentation 

  1. Phagocyte digests a pathogen 

  2. Pathogen(antigen) gets to the surface of the phagocyte

  3. Phagocyte presents the antigen to a helper T cell 

  4. Helper T  cell is activated 


  • Comes from bone marrow -> thymus gland


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