How successful were the Five-Year Plans?

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 04-05-18 15:33

Economic aims:  solve the problems of te NEP, rapid industrialisation, increase exports to fund industrialisation, outperform capitalist economies and improve labour productivity


  • Huge new industrial complexes were built
  • Electricity production trebled, coal and iron output doubled and steel production increased by one third
  • The engineering industry developed
  • Urbanisation - the majority of the population lived in towns and cities
  • The Stakhanovite movement motivated workers to work harder, increasing productivity


  • Little growth in consumer industries
  • Factories ran short of materials
  • Shortages of qualified personnel/workers due to the purges
  • Overcrowding was intense and cities and towns grew by 200,000 people a month
  • The majority of the population  changed jobs regularly due to the 'quicksand society'

Ideological aims: replace the free market with economic planning, convince peasants of the benefits of socialism and improve living and working conditions for workers


  • Workers and young people were enthusiastic about projects and many volunteered to work on distant projects
  • Provision of state nurseries and childcare meant women


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