How Parliament Interacts With The Executive and an assessment of Parliament


Parliament And The Executive 

  • MPS cannot be prosecuted for what they say in wesminster, Jacob Reese Mog for example 
  • However doesent mean they are above the law, expenses scandle of 2010, dealt with by parliament not the police
  • MPS do generally do a good job, Jeremey Quinn representing Horsham as a backbench MP
  • However they can sometimes be inactive or just do as party whips say, under blair everyone just obeyed 
  • The Lords can be very inactive, Lord Sewell and the cocaine scandal
  • However other Lords can be extremely politically active, Lord Adonis doig a good job 
  • Select comitees do a good job of holding the executive to account, The Public Accounts Comitee, investigates finances and its chair is always an opposition member 
  • However they can also be very government dominated, for example Departmental select comitees always have a governing party member as the chair 
  • Opposition in Parliament can hold the government to account well, for example during PMQT the opposition can ask anything 
  • However a weak opposition…


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